Benefits and Drawbacks of E-learning


Although studying in a school is far more intimate and engaging, there are numerous advantages to attending this online E-learning platform, starting from flexibility to price. Read below to know more.

We all have access to the internet, which we use for various purposes such as collecting data for school and university projects, transferring files, photos, color schemes. Also, display and receive updates on current events worldwide, emails, text messaging, discussions, and many other things. 

However, did you know that there is another perk of the net, which is the ability to learn? One may now educate themselves from the comfort of home and obtain a degree online. With technology today, even the utterly impossible thing appears to be feasible.

A glance at the online learning platform

eLearning or online learning consortium are terms used to describe web-based schooling. It mainly teaches individuals available in online courses available on the internet. Mail, live seminars, and teleconference can all get done through the internet. It allows all attendees to express their opinions on a particular issue and then discuss it further. They also provide static sites, such as printed course materials, for the advantage of all attendees.

Among the most significant advantages of using the internet is that most online sites have hyperlinks that will take you to some other website, allowing you to access a great deal of data.

Nevertheless, with quick technological advancements and advancements in learning methods, it is now widely accepted. Pcs were the trigger for this change, and because we’re more dependent on mobile phones, iPad, and other portable apps, such platforms can be used more frequently in classrooms for learning. 

Technological instructional resources, such as optical discs or pen drives, are rapidly replacing books. Knowledge may also get disseminated over the Web, which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at any moment.

E-learning has proven to be the most effective method in the corporate world, mainly when MNCs conduct training programs for professionals worldwide. Also, workers can accumulate essential skills while lounging in an executive suite or when workshops are held for employees of the same or different organizations underneath the canopy.

Advantages of online learning consortium

Saves time:

Amongst the most evident benefits of an online learning platform are the demand and supply savings. One may control the time and attend classes online whenever it is most comfortable for them, whether it’s mornings, later in the evening, or late at night. They also save cash because users will not have to think about mobility or feeding on the move.

Better retention:

Application programs, such as Theoretician, are used in e-learning to deliver engaging material. One may also share their ideas and comments. Even more interesting the teachings are, more and more knowledge pupils will memorize.


Learners aren’t the first ones who benefit financially from e-learning. Several higher education institutions cut costs using this configuration since they shouldn’t have to employ an education received, resulting in lower prices.

Personalized learning:

One may read out loud for one’s speed and pick their educational program. Students get more enthusiastic about the training and also more involved in it.

Environmental friendly:

Online learning consortium is also beneficial for the planet since it does not contribute to the pollution caused by the manufacture of paper.

Easy to access:

Users may connect with anyone and everyone’s lives and resolve any issues by using comment sections and message boards.

Visual education:

If one doesn’t grasp the material the first time around, one may rewind and view and listen to the configuration offered for sound -.

Disadvantages of the online learning platform

Reduces social interaction:

So one no longer meets their professors and students face-to-face, online learning is one of the leading causes of social separation. There is little to no engagement.

Inaccessible to most:

One should consider themselves fortunate if users live in a region with reliable internet access. Regrettably, certain people have extremely restricted internet connections. They must visit cyber cafes or utilize public Wi-Fi, both of which are cumbersome.

Cheating unavoidable:

An examination is included in e-learning, just as it is in a traditional classroom environment. Meanwhile, there seem to be no professors or supervisors to keep an eye on the examiner during tests. It’s simple for online participants to discover responses since no one is monitoring them.

Requires proper management skills:

With an online learning platform, one is mainly dependent on their own. One must encourage oneself to concentrate diligently, making notes, and acquire further knowledge. One must also take the proper steps by combining studies with other activities such as home duties or portion work.


A typical web-based course would include course information, a timetable, a bulletin board, a curriculum map, teaching materials such as articles, slides, and handouts, communication via discussion boards and email, summative and formative assessments, student management tools such as statistics, records, and student tracking, and useful links to external and internal websites.

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